Spring Sign, Advertising & "Man-Tiques" LIVE aucion
15 Ohio Street, Wakonda, SD 57073Over 400 Lots! Gas, Oil, Soda, Tire, General Store Advertising & more! Signs, Gas Globes, Gas Pumps and so much more! Great variety & quality!
nice original plate, great patina leather, only has the "D" and has no evidence of the "S"; guaranteed a good original, we took this off a garage wall in Viborg, SD; family said it's been in their family since new
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nice original plate, great patina leather, only has the "D" and has no evidence of the "S"; guaranteed a good original, we took this off a garage wall in Viborg, SD; family said it's been in their family since new
Location: 15 Ohio Street, Wakonda SD, 57073
Location: 15 Ohio Street, Wakonda SD, 57073
High Bid:
$65.00 – southdakotasaimt
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