Winter Beer Sign & Advertising LIVE Auction--Featuring Hamm's!

15 Ohio Street, Wakonda, SD 57073
90% of this auction comes from a single Hamm's Collection! Also some great Schmidt, Old Style & other beer signs!
We unfolded this for the first time to take the pictures, made up of several folded sheets of heavy paper, makes roughly a 25'x10' billboard with assembled, colors are A-1, no major tears or damage, just storage wear, fantastic piece of Hamm's advertising!

More Details
We unfolded this for the first time to take the pictures, made up of several folded sheets of heavy paper, makes roughly a 25'x10' billboard with assembled, colors are A-1, no major tears or damage, just storage wear, fantastic piece of Hamm's advertising!

Location: 15 Ohio Street, Wakonda SD, 57073

High Bid:
$490.00 – marsh-jumper

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