Nearly 200 Pedal Tractors & Accessories LIVE Auction!

15 Ohio Street, Wakonda, SD 57073
Super collection of rare & restored Pedal Tractors! 1/8th Scale to start the auction! Day 2 of the Warren Smith Collection of Bennington, KS
Great seta, all really nicely restored LGT Pedals custom painted & decaled to match the patio tractors, correct colors, look fantastic, sells so much per tractor, 4x the money

More Details
Great seta, all really nicely restored LGT Pedals custom painted & decaled to match the patio tractors, correct colors, look fantastic, sells so much per tractor, 4x the money

Location: 15 Ohio Street, Wakonda SD, 57073

High Bid:
$1,250.00 – jd430

bidding history

Auction Type: Quantity x Price
Quantity: 4

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